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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Training Program on Property Documentation on 18th July, 2014

Knowing the steps and documents required in a property transaction is today essential for both real estate professionals and potential home buyers and investors.

A real estate consultant can enhance his credibility and achieve customer satisfaction by knowing the steps and documents required in a property sales and purchase transaction thoroughly.
On the other hand taking basic precautions and safeguards by knowing the steps, process and documents required in purchasing a property reduces the likelihood of buyers ending up with a messy property deal.
However finding out the steps, process and documents required in a property transaction is a difficult job today, despite the huge growth of real estate in India.
It is therefore NIREM, the leader in real estate education and training in the country, offers a one-day training program on property documentation. Apart from this course, NIREM offers a range of real estate courses for both working real estate professionals as well as those who want to start their career in real estate.
The property documentation program aims to help participants identify the various documents required in property sale/purchase transaction, know how to establish marketability of title, understand the due diligence process, know the phases of real estate development, analyse the buyer-seller-broker relation in property sales process etc.
The training program on property documentation is suitable for Real Estate Developers, Property Consultants & Advisors, Real Estate Marketing Professionals, Housing Finance, Home Loan & Banking Professionals, Property Investors, Potential Home Buyers, Banking, Finance & Insurance Professionals.
The program is scheduled on 18th July, 2014 at New Delhi. Seats are limited and registration is offered on first-come-first-served basis.
Interested participants may visit www.nirem.org, mail to Nirem.india@yahoo.com or call at +91.7827884220 to know more about the program.